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Imagine their delight when receiving a special Vegan's Delight Gift  filled with thoughtfully selected products that supports their lifestyle.  Packed in a small wooden planter box.
Cape Herb Veggie Seasoning Sprinkle Shaker 80g
Beerenberg Pumpkin & Chickpea Curry Meal base 240ml
Green Fennel & Coriander Olive snack pack 30g
Harbourside Dukkah 90g
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100ml bottle
Nibblish Strawberry Snack 80g
Fruit Star Gummies Boxed 100g

You can choose add-ons from the selection below for a more personalized Gift Package.

Please note:  If a product shown in the photos becomes unavailable or out of stock, we promise to replace it with a similar item of equal or greater value.    Please refer to the contents list

Size: 200x120x100mm


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